Since I haven't found any new great blog tips for you readers I decided to add a new element to the blog. I have been wanting to share awesome products for a while now but just haven't got around to it. (Considering I am quite the shopaholic) Our first featured products come from Burts Bees. I LOVE Burts Bees products! Not only are they natural but they smell awesome and work! A few of my favorites are:
Burts Replensihing Lip Balm with pomegranite oil. I am addicted to this lip balm, it's my favorite.
In my opinion this Baby Wash smells the best by far than any other wash on the market. I can't stop smelling my kids after a bath!
Recently I was looking for a new night cream that won't break the bank and saw this at Target. I have been using it for a week and love it. It smells good and makes my skin super soft.
If you have a great beauty, blog tip you'd like to share or you just need some blog help email me at:
Think Pink Cottage is for the "chic" blogger in us all. I created this blog specifically to share chic sites, blogging tips, and fun products. My hope is that you love this site as much as I loved creating it. Happy blogging and remember think pink!
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; For poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. -Audrey Hepburn